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USU’s cheer team Vegas adventure

Every year Utah State University’s cheer team sends between 13 to 20 members of its members to the Mountain West March Madness Tournament in Las Vegas to cheer on the USU basketball team.

“We spend all year learning our stunts and dances and this is the last time we get to perform them,” said Nolan Wilcock, a cheer team member attending the tournament for the first time this year.

According to Wilcock, the team starts looking at who wants to go to the tournament a month before it starts and works more as individuals and as a team to perfect their performances at the tournament.

During an average practice the cheer squad spends 20 minutes warming up, at least 10 minutes going over their last game, between 1 to 2 hours practicing stunts and dances, then another 20 minutes conditioning. In addition to practicing their usual routines, the squad had to learn an additional dance that they will perform alongside the other cheer squads if the USU basketball teams makes it in last bracket.

“I hope we make it to Friday because I really want to see our team do well,” said Mariah Hansen, who is going on this trip for the first time as well.

Choosing to go to the tournament isn’t always easy since it means that the members going could give up most of their Spring Break to be there. Those who choose to go, however, wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, many said.

“I don’t see why I wouldn’t want to go to this tournament. We get an all expense paid trip to Vegas to watch sports and throw pretty girls around,” Wilcock said.

Other members of the team agree.

“I love stunting and sports and hanging out with these awesome people. I didn’t see any reason no to come on this trip,” said Devin Patterson, another member of the squad.

On average the entire trip costs between $10,000 and $15,000. All expenses are paid for the members that come including an allowance of $20 a day per person a day. Planning for the tournament starts in October.

“The work and money that we put into this trip is worth it to support the team,” Tormbley said.

In addition to performing at games, the USU cheer team also participates in some kind of service activity. This year they are helping with the Goodie Two Shoes charity, which allows intercity kids to pick out new school supplies donated by the community.

“This really gives the them (the cheer team) a chance to step outside their bubbles and see what the world is really like,” Tormbley said.

Although doing charity work and practicing three hours a day to perform at basketball games may not be all college students’ dream of how they spend spring break, the cheer team wouldn’t have it any other way.

“We’re a family and I couldn’t imagine spending my Spring Break with anyone else.” Wilcock said.

— shaniehoward214@gmail.com