
USU’s Summer Citizens: Marilyn and Al Loomis

When two Michiganites get set up by their friends, it just might end in the greatest adventure of their lives. 

Marilyn and Al Loomis are two such people who were set up by friends of Marilyn’s late husband. After dating for a few years in different towns, they decided to make their relationship official. 

Thirty-three years later, they are still happily married and enjoying their journey together.

The couple bounced around between Michigan and Arizona before deciding to settle down in Green Valley, Arizona, where they have been permanently for the last two years. 

Upon moving to Arizona, Al and Marilyn decided they didn’t want to be in the heat during the summer, and had talked to a friend who lived in Logan for the Summer Citizens program. 

Right away, the couple was convinced they needed to come try it out. They have made it their summer destination for the past three years. 

“We came up not knowing really anything other than reading all the literature that some of the citizens put out. It sounded great, but it’s been way, way better than we anticipated,” Marilyn Loomis said. 

From the information and activities to locals with their “super attitudes,” the Loomises have been welcomed back again and again.

“First of all, the people that live in Logan are just awesome. I’ve never been anywhere where every place you go, everybody’s got a smile on their face,” Marilyn said. 

While golf is a staple activity for Al and Marilyn, they are also involved in a variety of activities at Millennial Towers and the theater shows throughout the valley. 

Marilyn enjoys walking, playing cards and inviting people over to enjoy her cooking. 

“Whatever we’re doing, it’s taking up a lot of our time, so we’re not trying to cram anything else in,” Marilyn said. “Our calendar is pretty blocked out.” 

Al enjoys fishing, traveling and taking classes on campus. Recently, he was able to take a class called “Meet your Mormon Neighbors.” 

He spent some time with a Latter-day Saint family after the class and also attended a church meeting.

“I think a lot of people have a negative impression of Mormons and kind of fear them. I’ve met some great people and some great families, and I enjoy being around them. I don’t look at them as being totally different than I am,” Al said. 

He hopes that the classes taught for summer citizens on campus will expand and cover a broader range of subjects for the future. 

“There are so many people who come out here who worked their lifetime and have been very successful, and I would like to think that people would like to have an opportunity to talk about what they’ve done,” Al said. “I think it would be fun and people would enjoy it.” 

Along with their other hobbies and interests, the Loomises are also involved in travel and visit at least one major destination every year. Their trips have taken them to New Zealand, Australia and several countries in Europe. 

This winter, the couple will travel with Grand Circle Travel to Egypt, with a side trip to Jerusalem and Israel. 

Logan has provided a hub of socialization for Al and Marilyn, and they have loved the opportunities to meet and associate with many different kinds of people. 

“The people are the treasures. It’s just so wonderful to go to the grocery store and (people are) engaging you in conversation and are concerned about you,” Marilyn said. 

A big percentage of people that participate in the Summer Citizens program are from Arizona, which makes leaving Logan at the end of the summer just a little bit easier for Marilyn and Al. 

“When you leave, you aren’t leaving people that live thousands of miles away. You can get together with them during the winter and fall. You have different relationships here,” Marilyn said. 

One of the friendships that the Loomises share is with Jim Walls and Linda Hunnius, who are from Richmond, Virginia. The couples met during their first year in the Summer Citizens program three years ago. 

The couples have enjoyed many restaurants and plays together, as well as social evenings with Marilyn’s cooking. 

Hunnius describes Al and Marilyn as outgoing, welcoming and fabulous. 

“They are totally involved and make everyone feel welcome,” Hunnius said. “Marilyn and I are both very outgoing and do all the planning, and our husbands get along also. Al is a very nice and fun person to be around as well.” 

Many of Linda and Jim’s favorite memories of Al and Marilyn involve sitting out on the deck at night, watching the sunset and talking about their common interests. 

Hunnius recalls the Loomises visit to Richmond, to visit Linda and Jim. The couples spent time sharing stories and growing their friendship that blossomed because of their time in Logan.

“Marilyn and Al really are the epitome of the perfect summer citizens as far as I’m concerned,” Hunnius said. 

Along with nice weather and beautiful scenery, Marilyn and Al also enjoy a glimpse into the family aspect that Logan has provided. 

“There is just a different atmosphere here,” Marilyn said. “The other thing that’s really cool is the little kids. It’s so great to see all the moms with their kids in the cart and two others running behind.” 

A favorite activity of Al and Marilyn’s is taking visitors around the city of Logan. 

“We just had people visiting us that are now going to be coming,” Marilyn said. “We are not the visitors, we are now the regulars showing others the places we were shown when we first got here, like Pepperidge Farm, Casper’s and Fat Boy.” 

While Al and Marilyn have wrapped up their summer adventures in Logan for the year, the time is not far distant that they will look forward to packing up and heading back for yet another flood of experiences waiting just for them. 

“When you find a spot like this and there’s enough variety here that you don’t get bored, there’s no sense in looking anywhere else,” Marilyn said. 

Marilyn’s biggest takeaway from her experience is her desire to come back year after year.

“When I pack up all my tubs I think about how they will be here next year sitting under the stairs in the room when I come back. It’s almost like Christmas.” 

The Loomises are already looking forward to coming back next year. 

“God willing, we plan on coming back until we can’t,” Al said.
