USUSA Elections: Why should you care?
With Utah State University Student Association elections approaching quickly, many new candidates have announced that they are running for various positions. It can leave many students wondering why they should vote and who they should vote for. Jaren Hunsaker, current USUSA president, explained what he does in his position and why students should be excited for the upcoming elections.
As president, Hunsaker is a very busy man. His assigned duties include holding office hours, attending events, and sitting on 25 different campus committees. The purpose of these various meetings is to improve student life around the university.
“A lot of what we do in these committees is conversations that lead to actions items of what needs to be changed and how we are going to accomplish that. You have a purpose in each committee in what you are going to do, and that is to improve student life and improve student academics,” Hunsaker said.
These different committees and authority figures around campus have established a relationship with student leaders to achieve various goals. Linda Zimmerman is the director of the USUSA Student Involvement and Leadership Center. Every day, she works as a guide alongside Hunsaker and other student leaders.
In an email Zimmerman wrote, “Our roles are to provide leadership and guidance to our officers and assist them in the mission and goals of their individual charters. We hold them accountable to the students they serve.”
Hunsaker and the other USUSA officers may attend these various meetings and complete other tasks, but they are just like any other student. They still attend class, do homework, and walk across the quad just like everybody else.
Hunsaker says that because they are regular students, elected officials want to do their best to represent the student body. USU has given students the ability to have their voices heard, and Hunsaker encourages students to use it.
“I one hundred percent believe that USU puts the student opinion at the forefront. USU cares so much and does do much for their students. It has blown my mind how much power the student has,” Hunsaker said. “That power comes from student leaders and their ideas. If you don’t vote for the student leaders you want, you aren’t going to be able to see the change that you want.”
Along with Hunsaker, Samuel Jackson, Student Advocate VP, works to ensure students opinions are being heard. He explained that USUSA receives a large budget each year from student fees. Students should care how this money is being used for them.
“We are here using your money, and if you want it to be used correctly or in a way that you think is appropriate, you should vote for people you think are going to carry it out the right way,” Jackson said. “College is really short and decisions get made quickly. If you don’t have a voice and you don’t have a say, your opportunity passes just like that.”
During election season, candidates will have town halls and debates. These events will allow them to share their ideas and initiatives, helping students to get to know them.
Hunsaker explained what students should look for in candidates during these events.
“You get to see their character as well, which to me is one of the most important things,” he said. “The truth is anyone can run for a position. No one is qualified, but everyone is capable. So if we choose those with the best character, you will have the best student government.”
As the current USUSA officers finish their terms, students can find them on the third floor of the TSC. They are always open to visitors.
“We want to be able to represent you, we want to meet, you, and we are up here, so come and visit us,” Hunsaker said.

USUSA president Jaren Hunsaker mingles with students at Parfaits with the President on Jan. 31, 2019, on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center. This event is intended to give students the chance to meet their student body representatives and learn more about what student government does for USU. (Megan Nielsen)
To prepare for the upcoming USUSA elections, students can check for updates on the USUSA website and see the current announced candidates here.