USUSA presidential profiles: Rhett Ballantyne

Rhett Ballantyne says he loves Utah State University and he loves people.

Rhett grew up in Morgan, Utah, and spent the majority of his childhood hanging out with friends, playing basketball, golfing, skiing and camping with his dad and brother.

“One thing I admire about Rhett is not only does he make friends easily, but he’s very including of them,” said Daryl Ballantyne, Rhett’s father.

Rhett wants to make Utah State a more inclusive school by supporting diversity organizations on campus, such as the LGBTQ community, the Diversity Center and any other non-traditional student organizations.   

“Generally, I want to represent all the students,” Rhett said. “I want to meet their goals and really be their voice.”

He served a two-year mission in El Salvador and Guatemala for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“He had a lot of experience with diversity on his mission and I think that helped, even, broaden his viewpoint of how people come from different backgrounds and they all have great value,” said Monika Ballantyne, Rhett’s mother.

Monika said she believes Rhett would make a great president because he has always been able to stay extremely organized, even back in high school.

“When he was here in the summer, doing an internship, he made a list of goals and things he wanted to work on, like the books he wanted to read,” Monika said. “He is always thinking about how to improve whether its himself or something else.”

Rhett’s organization shows through the five-step plan he designed for his campaign.

“I want to help lower student fees by working with professors and increasing [open educational resources] awareness, create transparency with events and academic resources so people are aware of things, empower students and implement their ideas, improve mental health on campus and represent all students,” Rhett said.

Rhett says he believes the best way to discover issues needing to be addressed is by getting involved in multiple diverse organizations.

“I’ve gotten involved in different aspects of the university to understand different issues,” he said. “I love talking to people and understanding the different concerns that are there.”

Daryl has seen Rhett become successful through his participation in organizations at Utah State.

“Rhett grows and learns through being involved,” Daryl said. “He sees something, like president, and puts his whole soul into it.”

In his freshman year at Utah State, Rhett’s participation in school programs was limited to the frisbee club team.

“I wasn’t really involved at all,” Rhett said. “But then, I roomed with the student body president the next year and I got really involved really fast.”

Rhett said all the things he’s been involved in don’t necessarily matter now, but they have taken him from a freshman playing ultimate frisbee to a confident student running for president.

“He is really determined,” Monika said. “He really wants to make a difference and I actually find that really inspiring in my son.”

Rhett wants to improve Utah State though the needs and requests of its students and faculty.

“He doesn’t do it for ego,” Monika said. “He’s genuine, honest, kind and he really cares and has a big heart.”

Rhett has experience working with previous USUSA presidents and he wants to be the new voice of this campus.  

“I am very passionate about Utah State University and where it’s headed,” Ballantyne said. “I like the quote that says, ‘You cried when you were born, and the world rejoiced. Live in such a way that when you die the world will cry while you rejoice.’”
