Utah bicycle laws, as written in the Utah Driver Handbook

Information compiled by C. Ann Jensen

Utah bicycle laws, as written in the Utah Driver Handbook

• Bicyclists are subject to all the rights and duties applicable to the operator of any other vehicles, including obeying all traffic control signals, stops signs and traffic lights.

• Bicyclists traveling less than the normal speed of traffic must ride as near as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway except to: pass, make a left turn, when there is a right-turn only lane and to avoid hazards.

• Bicyclists approaching an intersection may turn left from the left-turn lane or go through the intersection, stop at the corner on the opposite side, wait for the signal to turn green, turn left then continue to travel with the normal flow of traffic.

• A bicycle may not carry more persons than it was designed for.

• A bicyclist may not attach to moving vehicles.

• Bicyclists may not ride more than two abreast.

• Bicyclists must keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times and may not carry a package or bundle that prevents the use of both hands.

• Bicyclists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians on a sidewalk or in a crosswalk, and shall give audible signal when overtaking a pedestrian.

• A person may not operate a bicycle upon a sidewalk or upon a crosswalk if prohibited. If not prohibited, the bicyclist has the same rights and duties as a pedestrian.

• Every bicycle must be equipped with brakes.

Information compiled by C.Ann Jensen