
Utah Festival Opera Company prepares for season

The Utah Festival Opera Company presents a full schedule of opera and musical theater this summer.To be presented are:

“Manon Lescaut” by Giacomo Puccini

The beautiful Manon is torn between her deep feelings for the Chevalier des Grieux and the deep pocketbook of the wealthy roué Geronte. She chooses Geronte, but still pines for her one true love, des Grieux. In desperation, she makes a choice that will alter her path forever and eventually find her cast adrift in the wilderness of early Louisiana. This production is a rare opportunity to see Puccini’s first true masterwork, realized in grand fashion on the UFOC stage.

“Aida” by Giuseppe Verdi

A’da, an Ethiopian princess, is torn between her love of homeland and Radames, an Egyptian army commander. Matters become further complicated when A’da’s father, Amonasro, becomes a prisoner of war and the jealous Egyptian princess Amneris threatens to derail the lovers’ future plans and happiness. Filled with deep emotion, sweeping melodies, and grand spectacle, A’da is often described as Verdi’s definitive operatic work. “Into the Woods,” Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, Book by James Lapine

Just imagine if Jack and his beanstalk lived next door to the Baker and his wife who lived next door to the witch who raised Rapunzel, all within the realm of Cinderella’s kingdom. Sondheim brilliantly weaves our favorite fairy tale characters into a funny and heartwarming tale about wishes and just what happens when they actually come true. Come and laugh at two princes in “Agony”, cry at the tenderness of “No One Is Alone” and watch it all come full circle with the poignant “Children Will Listen”. See how one trip into the woods can change a life forever.  “1776,” Music and Lyrics by Sherman Edwards

Life! Liberty! The pursuit of happiness! 1776 is the inspiring tale of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of a new nation. John Adams, played by Michael Ballam, leads our founding fathers in creating a new nation conceived in liberty. The wit of Ben Franklin and the romance of Thomas Jefferson combine with Adams’ fiery spirit to tell the story of America’s birth. Join us for rousing tunes and sprightly humor as we celebrate the independent men of inspired vision who made 1776 such a remarkable time in history. “Gypsy,” A Musical Fable with Music by Jule Styne & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

Suggested by memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee

Mama Rose, an unsuccessful performer, has big dreams of seeing her aspirations realized in her daughters, June and Louise. Forced to bear the brunt of her mother’s machinations, June runs off, leaving Louise the recipient of Rose’s tireless efforts in her quest for fame and fortune. With vaudeville on the wane, they turn to burlesque, and the infamous “Gypsy Rose Lee” is born. Follow Mama Rose’s stormy relationships with her progeny while listening to some of Broadway’s all-time famous tunes including “Let Me Entertain You,” “Together Wherever We Go,” and “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.”

For the four main shows ticket prices run $12-$74 for full price. For Gypsy they run $11-$64, For Musica Magnifica and Carnivale Operafest they run $10-$58, and Carnival of the Animals is $10 for adults and $5 for children. UFOC has special pricing for USU students: “Student Rush” price is where students get half off their tickets an hour before the show when they show a valid student ID.

The five-week festival includes four productions of grand opera, operetta, light opera, and/or seldom-seen Broadway-style musical theater. Productions are performed in revolving repertory so visitors can enjoy all four shows during a two- or three-day stay.

The festival takes place in Logan’s Ellen Eccles Theatre, an 1100-seat European-style theater featuring neo-classical design. Built in 1923, it has been exquisitely restored to state-of-the-art theatrical capability.

A scene from Utah Festival Opera’s 1996 production of “1776” starring Michael Ballam.