Utah Publisher to walk form Idaho to Nevada for charity


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT INFO: Morgan Skate Park Fundraiser C. Doug Johnston Publisher, The Morgan Valley Weekly 129 N. Commercial Street Morgan Utah 84050 Phone: 801-829-5033 Fax: 801-829-5035 Dougj@themorganvalleyweekly.com www.themorganvalleyweekly.com

Utah newspaper Publisher to walk entire state for charity when 4000 concert tickets are sold. March 2, 2002 (Morgan UT) –Why would anyone want to walk the entire state of Utah for charity? Why would someone that is overweight and out of shape, who complains if he has to walk to the living room from the kitchen, walk the entire state? Because he loves the youth and he wants the youth to have a safe place to gather and spend time. Doug Johnston, the Publisher of The Morgan Valley Weekly in Morgan Utah grew up with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Many times in his life he felt alone and wondered what he could do with his life. Johnston decided early in life that he would help others, especially the youth. Johnston has volunteered his time and spoken at gatherings around the state to help parents of children with Attention deficit Disorder, along with educators and members of the medical field understand and help children with ADD. When someone tells Johnston he can’t do something, he takes it as a personal challenge. In an English class in high school, a teacher told him he could never become a newspaper reporter because of his learning disabilities. Johnston is now not only a reporter, but also owns a newspaper! When he coached a competition soccer team a few years ago, his first-year team had just an average season. In their final game, they were to face an unbeaten team-best in the league. The kids were down before the game, knowing that they couldn’t win. Johnston had a short meeting with his team, told them that they could do anything they wanted, and gave them a little help understanding their abilities. He told them if they won the game, they could shave his head bald. They won. Johnston realized then that if he could help others realize their possibilities, they could be successful. Johnston noticed that the most often misunderstood group of young people in today’s world are “Skaters”–skate boarders who enjoy spending their free time riding their boards and practicing all manner of jumps and tricks. He decided that he would help them find a place that they could meet, skate and socialize in a safe environment specifically designed for that purpose. While attending a city meeting, Johnston learned that the city would be willing to donate the space for a Skate Park, and the challenge was on. Johnston volunteered to spearhead the fund raising for the project. Johnston and his wife Kimber, live in Morgan and are the parents of five children: Jeremy, Nick, Chelsea, Riley and McKenna. Johnston’s newspaper is sponsoring a concert at the Golden Spike Events Center in Ogden with Utah favorite and eight time Pearl award winner Julie de Azevedo, www.juliedeazevedo.com Canadian newcomer Maren Ord, www.marenord.com who is nominated for Canadas new artist of the year award, the Juno, and local singer Alana Moellmann. A goal of $40,000 in revenue has been set for this concert. In order to promote ticket sales and donations to the park project, Johnston has laid down a challenge of his own to the residents of Utah: if the residents are willing to reach the $40,000 goal for ticket sales and donations for the concert, he will walk from the Idaho border to Mesquite, Nevada. He estimates that it will take him between seven and nine days. Each day he will cover over 60 miles a day on his journey. Johnston’s journey of approximately 450 miles, more miles when he can’t get to access roads, will also serve a dual purpose. He will once again raise money for charity, asking for sponsors to donate all along his route. These funds, however, will not be used for the Skate Park but for another charity to be named at the concert on March 29, 2002, if the $40,000 goal is reached. Tickets to the concert are only $10 per person, $5 for children 12 and under. You can get your tickets by calling SmithsTix at 1-800-888-TIXX, Golden Spike Event Center in Ogden at 801-399-8798 or The Morgan Valley Weekly at 801-829-5033. If you can’t attend the concert but you or your business are willing to donate to the $40,000 goal, you can do so by calling The Morgan Valley Weekly at 801-829-5033 or mailing any donations to:

The Morgan Valley WeeklySkate Park Fundraiser129 North Commercial St. Morgan Utah, 84050

Please remember that the goal has to be reached by March 29, 2002.