
Utah Senate candidates

Carlton Bowen

Party: Independent American Party of Utah

Campaign website: carlton4ussenate.com

The state of Utah leads the nation with one of the largest percentages of enrollment in higher education. How do you plan to represent the 240,000 students enrolled in higher education in Utah?

I am the only pro-TRUMP US Senate candidate.  I am on your ballot.  I am running on a platform of traditional values, traditional money, and our tradition of freedom.  Traditonal values means boys are boys and girls are girls.  In other words, there are only 2 genders: male and female.  Marriage is between a man and a women.  Families matter, a lot, and ideally have a Mom and a Dad, married, trying and true.  Don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t kill.  Honesty and Integrity still matter.

Our U.S. Constitution is non-partisan and seeks to protect the rights and freedoms of all U.S. citizens.  I will strive to honor my oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution thereby serving and representing all citizens, including college students.  My U.S. Senate office will be open to all Utahans to listen to concerns and to act responsibly.

What is one policy or approach from current state senators Lee and Romney that you disagree with? Why do you disagree and what do you plan to do differently?

I felt like Mitt Romney was doing a poor job representing the State of Utah as our Senator.  When running for U.S. Senate, Romney had said he was a Utah conservative at heart, but once elected, he voted in the U.S. Senate like a Massachusetts liberal!  He sided with Democrats on their key legislative priorities, often undermining his own Republican Party.  Out of the entire US House & Senate, Romney was the only Republican to vote to impeach President Trump in 2020.  The GOP nominee this year, a former Democrat, is a lot like Romney in that he also doesn’t support Trump.  We don’t want a Romney 2.0.  We can do better.  We must do better!  I am pro-Trump rather than against him.  I am for the U.S. Constitution.  I am for Traditional Values, Traditional Money, and our Tradition of Freedom!  Vote Independent American Carlton Bowen for U.S. Senate!

I’m disappointed Senator Lee supported Cox due to his promotion of the trans agenda. I don’t support Cox. Definitly Write in Phil Lyman for Governor!

What is your stance on President Bidens Student Debt Relief Program?

 Student loan forgiveness is illegal, unconstitutional and unfair.  It is a political ploy to buy your student vote. 

  1. The Supreme Court ruled Biden’s student loan forgiveness is illegal.
  1. Student loan forgiveness violates Article II of the U.S. Constitution because the president doesn’t have the authority to forgive student loans.  The President is to enforce existing laws, which are created by congress.  Congress hasn’t passed a student loan forgiveness law.
  1. Student loan forgiveness is unfair to other students, who may have already paid a portion or all of their student loan debt.
  1. Student loan forgiveness creates a “moral hazard” by incentivizing the non-payment of student loan debt, and possibly other debt, by future borrowers.

Student loan forgiveness should be seen for what it is: an attempt by unprincipled politicians to get elected at any cost, even if it violates our laws, Constitution, and basic principles of fairness.  You should reject those who promote student loan forgiveness as unfit for political office in our Constitutional Republic.

What is your favorite thing about the state of Utah? 

The Mountains!   From the beautiful vistas in South Eastern and Southern Utah to the forested Uintas in the North, Utah is a beautifyl place! 

I also love America, which was founded by people seeking religious freedom and better economic opportunity. 

John Curtis

Party: Republican

Campaign website: johncurtis.org

The candidate did not respond to The Utah Statesman’s request for an interview.

Caroline Gleich

Party: Democrat

Campaign website: carolineforutah.com

The state of Utah leads the nation with one of the largest percentages of enrollment in higher education. How do you plan to represent the 240,000 students enrolled in higher education in Utah?

There’s a real crisis with higher education in this country, and we need to ensure that everyone who wants to pursue higher education—whether it’s trade school, university, or medical school—has that opportunity. Right now, predatory lending practices are exploiting the most vulnerable people who are simply trying to make a better life for themselves. We need to reform the banking practices that trap students in debt, and when it comes to student loan forgiveness, we can do more and do it better.

It used to be that you could graduate, get a degree, and be on a path to buying a house and building wealth. But today, my generation and Gen Z are struggling under the weight of exorbitant student debt, often due to predatory lending that keeps them in a financial hole for most of their adult lives.

I absolutely support student loan forgiveness, as well as efforts to reduce the overall costs of higher education and make apprenticeships and trade schools more affordable. These opportunities should be accessible to every American who wants them. This is essential to having a well-trained, educated workforce and building a thriving, vibrant economy for the future.

What is one policy or approach from current state senators Lee and Romney that you disagree with? Why do you disagree and what do you plan to do differently? 

One policy approach I disagree with is their interpretation of the second amendment and gun owner rights. I believe we can enact common sense gun reform, like universal background checks, safe storage, assault-style weapons bans, and other reforms to make Utahns safer while protecting our founding fathers’ vision of the second amendment.

What is your stance on President Biden’s Student Debt Relief Program?

I support President Biden’s student debt relief program and would work to expand his program while countering the forces that are driving up the cost of higher education to begin with.   

What is your favorite thing about the state of Utah?

Our public lands, they are our national treasures and we deserve a US Senator who will protect them.


The Utah Statesman sent out emails requesting interviews to all candidates. Those who responded did so through email.

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