Utah State lacrosse blows out Weber State

Aaron Davis

The Utah State Men’s Lacrosse team ended its season on a high note, crushing Weber State University 18-8 Saturday at Tower Field.

The Aggies took a 3-0 lead in the first period and never looked back. Despite the rainy weather, fans came out to show their support.

The team let it all hang out in the end, and many players scored for the first time this season. Midfielder David Chambers scored late in fourth period and was so excited he was called for a personal-conduct foul for pumping his fist in celebration.

“I scored, and they kicked me out for celebrating,” he said. “It was well worth it though.”

The Wildcats never came close as the Aggies kept up relentless scoring the entire game.

Roger Lee, a defenseman, even got in on the scoring.

“We had a general feeling we would win,” he said. “We went in focused as a team – relaxed – and we pulled together for the win.”

The team served hotdogs and hamburgers and conducted a raffle to show appreciation for the fan support this season.

“We try and make it as fun as possible for the fans,” said Bert Child, midfielder for the Aggies. “Having food and games really has helped our team support this season.”

The team members would like to thank everyone who came out this year and made this season a memorable one, they said.