
Utah State University Professor Wins National Award

 Utah State University professor Brian Warnick was named the 2011 Outstanding Early Career Member of the American Association for Agricultural Education.


On an annual basis, AAAE recognizes one outstanding young member who has made significant contributions to agricultural education. The selection committee chose Warnick based on excellence in teaching both undergraduate and graduate students, significant research in the field of agricultural education, scholarly writing pertaining to education and service to agricultural education.  


Warnick, an associate professor in the Agricultural Systems Technology and Education Department, serves as an adviser and mentor for graduate students in the Master of Science in agricultural systems and technology program. Warnick was presented the award at the 2011 AAAE National Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.


“Dr. Warnick is well deserving of recognition for his contributions to the agricultural education discipline,” said Bruce Miller, head of USU’s Agricultural Systems Technology and Education Department. “His dedication to the in-service teachers and to the Utah National FFA Organization is exceptional.”


Warnick has taught in the College of Agriculture for seven years and was nominated by Miller and Greg Thompson, his doctoral adviser from Oregon State University.


“Dr. Warnick is making a direct impact upon developing new professionals in the discipline,” Miller said. “He has provided leadership, instruction and advising to many students.”


Warnick works closely with student organizations, specifically Alpha Tau Alpha, an honorary professional society for those interested in becoming agriculture teachers or Extension educators, to expand students’ educational experiences. In 2008 he was selected as Utah State University Faculty Adviser of the Year and also received an Outstanding Faculty Certificate of Merit from the National Academic Advising Association in 2009.


Recent graduate Jennifer Major said Warnick’s expertise in agricultural education and his caring attitude helped her succeed.


“Through his commitment to teaching and advising, Dr. Warnick showed that he cared for each and every student he met,” Major said. “He was always willing to help and has touched my life and the lives of many USU students.”


While researching professional development needs of teachers, Warnick has also secured funding for developing and revising state curricula standards and assessment, mentored first-year and provisionally certified teachers and revised the Utah FFA Handbook.


Additionally, Warnick provides professional service at the national, state, university and local levels.


He has participated at USU with the faculty senate, as a member of the Council on Teacher Education and as a member of an ad-hoc committee. Warnick has served as a member of graduation committees, chairman of a committee on the development of an interdisciplinary sustainability degree and volunteer at the Utah Agricultural Products Barbecue as a portion of his service to the College of Agriculture. Additionally, he has held office on the editing-managing board for the “Journal of Agricultural Education” and is the current Western region alternate vice-president of AAAE.


“I am amazed at the level of service Dr. Warnick has given to the university and his profession,” said Noelle Cockett, dean of the College of Agriculture. “No matter what the task, Brian gives his full attention and enthusiasm.”


For more information, contact Warnick at 435-797-0378 or visit aste.usu.edu.