Virtual events to attend from your own bed

With a closed campus and restrictions on large group gatherings, the Utah State University Student Association is still connecting students to campus by putting on virtual student events. 

Here are the upcoming online events to look forward to:

Apr 20-22: Favorite Event Memories — submit stories, videos and pictures!

Apr 21: Virtual Gripe Night

Apr 23: Submit ideas for new events (poll on USUSA Events Instagram story)

Apr 24: Swipe and Winner

Apr 24: Netflix Party

Series director for USUSA Student Events, Nichole Chiaramonte, said the decision to put on virtual events was made in order to remain engaged with students.

“It is such an unprecedented time, and no USUSA officers have ever had to do this,” Chiaramonte said. “But, with the help of our advisors, we were able to make some great events on campus virtual to allow for students to engage with their fellow Aggies.”

Because of the difficulty engaging with their committees, Chiaramonte said putting on virtual events falls on the directors.

“VIrtual events are not the same as putting on an actual event,” Chiaramonte said. “In some ways, it is much easier, but I know as a director how much I miss working with people and being in contact. Virtual events can be hard to figure out, or they can be super simple. It has its pros and cons.”

Chiaramonte is sad to see her last year as a student leader end like this, but she knows it will be a year to remember. 

“This will be a year to remember with student events, as well as a reminder of how much students impact our events,” Chiaramonte said. “We miss the people attending our events, and we cannot wait until we can all be reunited!”

