Voters shouldn’t make the same mistake twice
To the editor:
Polls confirm that Americans are fed up with our dysfunctional Congress, so why do voters keep returning incumbents to Washington? According to Albert Einstein, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
After watching the McAleer-Bishop Congressional debate I ask why Utahns keep voting for incumbents whose main goal is obstructionism. Based on his constant stream of negative comments, one would think Bishop is running against Senate majority leader Harry Reid rather than Donna McAleer. While McAleer answered questions with facts and figures, Bishop answered with generalities while railing against Reid. One particularly shocking platform of Bishop’s is that the state of Utah is doing a great job of cleaning up the air. Gag!
Utah needs fresh faces in Congress who are committed to working with colleagues in both parties to address our country’s pressing problems. Please educate yourself about the candidates rather than simply checking the one party box with your head in the sand.
Watch the debate and decide for yourself, Bishop voted to shut down the government. It’s time to recall Bishop and send a competent West Point grad with corporate and non-profit executive experience to Congress.
— Jean Lown