Want services? Just ask

Jessica Whatcott

Utah State University students used to be able to spend the lunch hour bowling, ordering flowers or shopping for jewelry in the Taggart Student Center.

Assistant Vice President for Student Life Gary Chambers, director for the TSC, said if students expressed interest in bringing these types of services back to Utah State University, the likelihood of it happening would only be a matter of space.

Currently students use campus services offered by off-campus entities like Zion’s Bank, the barber shop and the post office.

In the past, students had access to businesses like a floral shop and a jewelry store. The lower area of the Hub used to be a bowling alley, but the area was renovated because of a lack of student interest in bowling at that time, Chambers said.

But students have not expressed interest in renting space to outside businesses like other bank ATMs, Chambers said.

Students with suggestions for student services should address them to Chambers. His office is in TSC, Room 326 and his e-mail address is garyc@admissions.usu.edu.

After talking with Chambers to determine the feasibility of his or her idea, a student can submit an official written request. Chambers will take the request to the TSC Policy Board, which is made of student officers, faculty, administration and an alumni representative.

An example of the process is the Zion’s Bank on the first floor of the TSC. In 1981, the board suggested space be leased to offer students banking services. The room on the first floor of the TSC was open and the board sent a plan to local banks and asked for bids. Zion’s Bank responded and now functions on a five-year renewable lease.