War Is Justified


Dear Editor,I am writing in response to the column by Jim Steitz which appeared in the Statesman on April 7th.

Mr. Steitz basically calls this war a war on an innocent nation, Iraq, and compares the Administration to the the Third Reich. Mr. Steits and his kind are on the wrong side of history.

If this war is not justified, when IS war justified? And for those of you who say ‘never’ just save it. The President of the United States has sworn with an oath to defend this country. That is his job.

Our first concern as Americans ought to be with our own security, then the security of our allies, then the rights of people who are in bondage. Thankfully we have someone in the Oval Office with the guts to stand up and face reality even if the U.N. would not.

Many who share the anti-war mindset base their opinions on lofty theories and ideals. But back here in reality, there will always be tyrants and dictators. There will always be threats to the United States and the rest of the world. They don’t just go away by showing goodwill.

For Mr. Steitz equate the Administration to Nazi Germany is a spastic, knee-jerk reaction which only serves to trivialize horror faced by those who suffered and died because of Hitler.

When this is all said and done, Iraq is going to be rid of its tyrant, the region will be an little more democratic, and the U.S. will have protected itself from a bigger disaster than September 11th.

Brian Smith801-451-7726