Web cartoon animates the quirks of student life

Despite the fact that I haven’t mentioned Homestar Runner yet, let it be shown in the record that I’m completely aware of these giants of Flash. I just figured everyone already knows about them, so why waste your time.

However, there are plenty of other cartoon series out there to take advantage of the Flash animation program.

College University is another site trying to carve a name for itself in the wild world of the Web.

The Parker brothers, the creators of College University, have combined the realism of college life with the wackiness that can usually only be found on the Net to create something all their own.

The site has several episodes that follow the adventures of Mike and Parks, two buddies just trying to make it in college. Standing in there way are the usual tests, girls and, of course, Santa Claus.

But hey, when you hang out with a 70s kung fu star, Bigfoot and Optimus Prime, things can’t be too bad.

The writing for this series is sharp, although a little coarse from time to time. The animation is nowhere near the level of other more popular sites and there is considerably less content. But these guys aren’t doing it professionally yet.

All the journeys of Mike, Parks and their friends can be found at www.collegeuniv.com.

Steve Shinney is the features editor at the Utah Statesman. Comments can be sent to steveshinney@cc.usu.edu