Welcome, Pres. Hall. It’s nice to see a president

Editorial Board

What’s this? A Utah State University president visiting with students while scooping ice cream, getting smacked upside the head with a Frisbee at a basketball game and planning regular press conferences with the media despite grueling meetings with the Board of Regents? Unprecedented.

USU’s new president, Kermit Hall, has big plans for public involvement that students, faculty and community members can get excited about.

John DeVilbiss, director of USU Media Relations and Marketing, said the president has plans to travel the state to be introduced to local media and to get to know 35 Utahns he considers to be “movers and shakers” in Utah.

Additionally, Hall is planning a “Roads Scholars” tour where he and some USU professors will visit areas affected by university research to see its effects.

It is a refreshing change to see USU’s president at least trying to be interested in students and community members. USU needs an accessible president.

Let’s hope it lasts.