
Welcoming students back for a new school year

By RHETT WILKINSON, features senior writer

With the almost endless amount of students moving in for the first time or returning to school after a busy summer, the ASUSU executive council plans an entire week of activities to bring in the new schoolyear.

Zach Larsen, the ASUSU programming vice president, is in charge of planning events throughout the year.
“Our options are pretty limitless,” Larsen said. “It’s just a matter of getting support from other clubs and organizations and getting together.”
Larsen and other ASUSU council members said they have indeed received such support, including feedback from returning students, and are pleased with what they have been able to coordinate for the Week of Welcome.
The Las Vegas-themed week of events – which includes two concerts featuring Imagine Dragons and Rocket Summer – also welcomes back comedian Derek Hughes and stays with tradition by hosting a bingo night and a movie, two events which Larsen said have been major hits in past years.
“It’s difficult for me to say I am most excited about one show because the whole week is full of cool events,” said Larsen.
Larsen said the council members involved in the planning process, including Activities director Kellen Hansen and Public Relations director Hannah Blackburn, were aware of the importance of attracting students to the events, including the incoming freshman. For this reason the officers helped distribute a survey in April through Facebook, the university’s website and by email to various school clubs and organizations asking returning students what they would like to see in this year’s Week of Welcome.
Larsen said that nearly 200 returning students responded, influencing the council’s decision to bring back the bingo night, dedicate some hours to dishing Aggie Ice Cream on the Taggart Student Center patio, and to welcome the return of a comedian like Hughes who, Larsen said, entertained USU students at an event a few years ago.
“We wanted to really decide what events would be best,” Hansen said. “We’ve now had people to help us do that.”
New strategies applied to Wednesday’s Day-on-the-Quad, an annual Week of Welcome event, have also provided an opportunity for more local businesses and school organizations to take part during the five hours of festivities, Larsen said.
By restructuring the layout of the vendors, which will now feature a row of booths within the larger circumference of booths, has made it possible for 67 businesses and 137 clubs and organizations to have a presence at the event, compared to the 55 businesses and approximately 100 clubs and organizations last year, Larsen said.
Blackburn said the challenges of planning the week  and the thrill of witnessing students’ reactions when they see what’s on tap for the coming week are all part of an exciting endeavor.
“I’ve loved interacting with all the other officers, vendors and sponsors,” she said. “It’s really opened my eyes to programming. Working with the ASUSU officers has added so much to knowing what is involved in getting these events and to do it in support of (the student body).”
Blackburn said the executive council’s teamwork, the assistance of faculty members and encouragement of the student body have all helped this year’s Week of Welcome to come together.
“I can’t emphasize how much help I’ve gotten from everyone,” she said. “It’s not possible without a group effort. I can’t thank enough.”