What about the good?


Being from Louisiana, I have a rather strong interest in the recent hurricane disaster and relief efforts. It seems that almost no one wants to talk about anything except how “badly” Louisiana and Mississippi responsed to this emergency. The problem with this is that these two states, along with others such as Texas and Georgia, have done an incredibly large amount of work to help these people. For instance, in Lufkin, Texas, a public zoo was opened to all refugees, free of charge. They were feed, all day long, and the gift shop was opened up, also free of charge, so that the children could have toys to play with.

Events like these have been taking place all over the southern states. People and businesses have been going out of there way, left and right, to do everything that they can for these people. What many people seems to have forgotten is that there where approximately 1 million people who were evacuated before the storm and are currently spread out across the south. Yes, it is tragic that people were left behind and that it’s taken so long to help them, but there is a whole lot of good that is going on down there that people should know about. Not everything down there has been bad.

And for those who think the destruction of New Orleans was an act of God because New Orleans is a “city of sin”, give it up. The only people who think that are those who have never been to New Orleans and their only exposure is from the videos of Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. You know as much about New Orleans as you do about God’s will, so please keep it to yourself.