
What your favorite Thanksgiving food says about you


Depends. If you like white meat, you’re basic, but that’s not a bad thing. You like to keep it simple. If you like the dark meat, you’re trying way too hard to be different, just accept that you like basic things.


Mashed Potatoes

You’re either a child or a grandparent. There’s no in-between.



You’re an extremely likable person. You have a great personality and always make everyone feel included. You also love to keep things traditional.


Macaroni and Cheese

You’re the type of person who, no matter what restaurant you’re at, you will be ordering chicken nuggets or chicken tenders. You know what you like, and you stick with it.


Green Bean Casserole

You’re the type of person that wants everyone to say what they’re thankful for at the dinner table. You don’t do handshakes, just hugs; very warm and welcoming.


Sweet Potato Casserole

If you like it with marshmallows on top, I will never trust your opinions on food, and you probably also won’t be found with anything green on your plate. If you like the normal sweet potato casserole, you’re probably a mom, or just the mom in your friend group. You’re always looking out for others.


Cranberry Sauce

You’re the therapist of your friend group. You’re always willing to listen, no matter how busy you are. You also aren’t a picky eater, if it’s there you’ll try it.



You like your food plain. You probably are opposed to adding anything to your food besides butter. You like to go with the flow, always calm and chill in stressful situations. You have your head screwed on straight.


Pumpkin Pie (or any other pies)

You’re the most outgoing in the group. You were probably invited to multiple Thanksgivings, and you’re trying to make the rounds. You’re also the loudest at the table.



This shouldn’t even count, but if you consider ham to be your favorite Thanksgiving food, Christmas is your favorite holiday. You put your Christmas decorations up as soon as Halloween is over, and you’re proud of it. You will fight anyone who tells you you can’t celebrate Christmas before Thanksgiving.



You’re either a teenage boy or a grandpa. Either way, you’ll probably be putting turkey on it to make little sandwiches.



You’re bold and adventurous. You love to try new things and are always looking for the next adventure.