Where’s the Information


I usually pick up the Statesman every mon., wed., and fri. because I have a little time before classes and the comics are usually good. I do not however read the Statesman for the “reporting” that is done. The stories leave to much to the imagination. Take your story on the honor code on 09/07/2001. It did not mention what the honor code was to entail, why the ASUSU wants to institute aa honor code, and most importantly you left us wondering where we are supposed to find the code so that we may review it. Please if you are going to talk about something that we can interact with, give us the information we need to do the interacting. Your web page is somewhat pretty, but very useless much like the paper. Please take the time to educate your staff on how to write a good article that contains all the useful and relavent information someone would need to speak intelligently about the articles written. In the mean time I will (like most of the USU campus) read the Statesman for the funnies. Oh, and one more thing, Rich Timothy or Timothy Rich I think you could write much more intelligently about the issues you bring up if you spent some time writing your articles instead of waiting until five minutes before class.Robert Bastian(435) 797-6344041-82-6068