White, Curtis, Fuentes post successful game for Aggies

Ryan Malnar


There’s no better way to sum up Saturday’s 56-43 victory over Weber State University.

Emmett White made senior day one of the best games he has ever had. But it wasn’t his best. It’s tough to even come close to his best (578 all-purpose yards), that’s an NCAA Division One record. White ran for a total of 243 against Weber State, the alma mater of his father; Emmett White.

“He’s been real focused and took the game real serious all week,” USU Head Coach Mick Dennehy said. “He might be irreplaceable but there are some other Aggies that can put numbers on the board.”

The fact is, however, they’re a team.

“Kevin simply makes life a whole lot easier for me,” White said.

Kevin Curtis, the walk on guy, had the second biggest receiving day in school history with an astounding 252 yards. He made ten catches on the day.

How do you average 25 yards a catch?

Ask Weber State. They’re still trying to figure it out.

It’s hard to believe this guy isn’t even on scholarship. The Aggies seem to have done something to get his number so high.

“We [just] added some deeper routes,” Curtis said.

Yeah, that simple they’re just a little deeper. It’s easy to tell this guy has heart. He loves to praise teammates.

“Gary Coleman had a big game too,” he said.

That’s true.

Junior Gary Coleman racked up a nice 127 yard on just five catches, but he might have to share all the attention with Curtis for the rest of his career.

The fact is that Curtis can make the plays when his team needs him to and that’s what every coach needs more than anything.

There were only nine minutes left when Weber State tried to make a comeback. The key word is tried.

After the Wildcats came within one touchdown Jose Fuentes immediately went to Curtis.

” I knew he was going to make a play,” Fuentes said.

He did- leaping over his opponent for a 51-yard reception and bringing the Aggies into the red zone.

The Aggies later scored.

The next series Fuentes looked for Curtis again, but overthrew him by a few feet. That catch might would’ve given Curtis over 300 yards in receiving Fuentes said, “We knew we could score when we wanted too.”

It’s a little easier to say with White in the backfield and Curtis lined up as a wide out.

Fuentes was 23 for 34, 437 yards.

“You find No. 3 (Curtis) and you find No. 32 (White) and you find about 680 yards of offense don’t you? Pretty simple equation right there,” Weber State Head Coach Jerry Graybeal said.

These two guys are making it happen in Logan.

Unfortunately, White has made it happen for the last time on Cache Valley sod.

Let’s hope Curtis will stick around for one more year at Utah State.

Ryan Malnar is a junior majoring inliberal arts. He can bereached for commentsat Rdean28@yahoo.com