White named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: How does it feel to be the Athlete of the Week?

Emmett White: It’s a cool accomplishment. I know the volleyball one [Chelsi Neves] played a good game. Just to be able to be compared with some other good athletes is cool. It feels good.

US: How has the team improved most since you came to Utah State University?

EW: I’d say as a team there is a little bit more team unity. Everyone is more as one instead of separate groups. People hang in their own separate groups but they still come together as one.

US: What is your most memorable football moment at USU?

EW: The Mexico State game. It was a big game and a big win, just to see everybody celebrate after the game.

US: Who are some of your best friends on the team?

EW: That’s a tough one. I’d probably say Jamar Glasper. He was one of the first people I met when I came up here. I lived with him my first year.

US: What do you do to psych yourself up for a game?

EW: I listen to music. Usually songs that talk about getting hyped … talk about togetherness, family and friends. Also to look into the eyes of my other teammates and see they are trying to get hyped, too. When I see them ready to go, it just boosts my blood.

US: What is your favorite part about football?

EW: After you make a big play and you see the reaction of the fans and the team. The roar of the crowd and seeing your teammates jump up and down. I don’t know if there is too much more of a better feeling than that.

US: I understand you were pretty involved during your high school days . What activities did you do and how did you juggle everything?

EW: I was in student government, MESA club, just different organizations. In high school it was no problem. In high school they worked around your schedule.

US: What are some of your hobbies outside of football?

EW: Sleeping and sleeping. That is all I want to do. Sleeping is probably my best hobby.

US: What do you plan to do after Utah State?

EW: My first plan is to take a break. I’m going to take a month off. I’m not going to do anything if that is possible. Then get a job … work for a living. Hopefully trying to play football or working at some kind of business firm and build a family.

US: What is your shoe size?

EW: Eleven. And my birthday’s next Friday. So if anybody needs to know that, it’s size 11 and next Friday.