White named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: This is the second time this season you have been named Utah State Athlete of the Week, how does it feel?

Emmett White: It feels good. I know a lot of other sports are playing good. It feels good to be held up with the other players that are doing good also.

US: After defeating Idaho State 28-27, how does it feel to finally taste victory?

EW: I can’t even tell you. It’s a great feeling after the game to see your teammates smiling, laughing and joking around.

US: This is your second year under coach Mick Dennehy, how has he affected the team?

EW: He’s taught us a lot more discipline. We’re not going to go out and just athletically beat people. We have to beat them in all aspects of the game.

US: The team seemed pretty beat up after the game against ISU, how are you doing?

EW: I have some bumps and bruises but it’s not anything different than any other game.

US: What do you do during a ‘bye’ week?

EW: I try to rest my body as much as possible so I can get rid of any kind of game-by-game injury and go out the next week at almost 100 percent.

US: What are your thoughts on the Olympics coming to Salt Lake City?

EW: I think it’s really cool because it’s giving Utah publicity and all of that. But it also makes my Spring Break not very much in the spring so that takes away from the places I get to choose to go.

US: What is your favorite book you’ve read?

EW: The autobiography by Vince Lombardi [former Green Bay Packers coach].

US: What is your favorite junk food?

EW: Caramel.

US: You’ve recently had a birthday, did you do anything exciting?

EW: I spent time with my friends back home [Ogden], my girlfriend and my family that came from California to watch the game [against Oregon] the day before. I spent time with them. I like it up here but sometimes it’s good to go back and see people you haven’t seen for awhile.

US: Any thoughts on Central Florida?

EW: They are a really good team. They may be the fastest team we’ve played this season. We just have to come out and play the first half and the second half. We can’t let a team come out and get ahead of us and think we are going to come back like we did last
