
Who moved my grilled cheese sandwich?

ALLEE EVENSEN, assistant features editor

Grown-up grilled cheese


Whether it’s hot chocolate in the morning or a heaping pile of mashed potatoes and gravy, everyone has a comfort food. These soul-soothing edibles can take us back to a moment in the past or make us feel right at home. I was surprised at the number of recipes I found for the ultimate comfort food — the grilled cheese sandwich.

According to a Rocky Mountain News article, the grilled cheese sandwich first became a staple of the American diet in the late 1920s, with the looming of the Great Depression.

With an endless array of options, the warm and easy-to-make sandwich is truly a classic comfort food. Whether you prefer Wonder Bread and American cheese or Gouda on a baguette, there’s something for everyone. Below are eight easy — and grown up — grilled cheese recipes you may not have tried.  


Berry Cheesy


The easiest to make of the sandwiches, this tangy mix of fruit and cheese only requires a few ingredients: jam, provolone cheese and white bread.

Choose a jam that has some sort of berry in it — generally blackberry or raspberry works best. Use the jam sparingly, especially with lighter breads, so it doesn’t soak through before it cooks.

Another way to make sure the bread doesn’t get soggy is to put the jam between two slices of provolone cheese. Butter the outside of the bread before placing the sandwich in a frying pan with a little bit of butter. Provolone tends to take a while to melt, so make sure to keep the stove on a low heat. Toast until the outside is slightly brown.


Green Machine


Don’t let the color of this grilled cheese sandwich throw you off. Basil is one of the most versatile herbs on the market. It can be used in pasta and pizza, and it’s the main ingredient in pesto.

This spunky sandwich is not for the faint of heart. Mix a handful of mozzarella cheese in a bowl with a half a cup of pesto — you can find a recipe online or find it bottled in most grocery stores. For a little more kick, throw in a dash of red pepper.

Scoop the mixture on a heavy white or wheat bread and place it on a Panini or flat-top grill or on a griddle.



Mac and Cheese


In case bread doesn’t quite do it for you, add some extra carbohydrates with this sandwich. Cook a few cups of Kraft macaroni and cheese, using the directions on the box.

Before taking the noodles off the stove, give them a generous sprinkle of cheddar and mozzarella cheeses. Scoop the mixture liberally onto a heavy bread — like sourdough — and place the sandwich on a grill or pan to toast the bread. Be careful not to let the noodles fall out as you’re flipping.


The Italiano  


Variations of this sandwich can be found at cafes all over the world, but it’s a small task to make this using your own oven broiler. Put some mozzarella cheese on a slice of French bread and place a slice or two of tomato on top. Put a little more cheese on top of that and sprinkle some oregano and Italian seasoning for a little kick.

Preheat the oven broiler and then broil the sandwich for 2-3 minutes. For garnish and a little more color, add a sprig of fresh cilantro or oregano on top.


Sweet Tooth


Technically, this isn’t a “grilled” cheese sandwich, but not everybody is a fan of cheddar cheese. This sandwich is truly for a sweet tooth.

In a bowl, combine a half cup of mozzarella and ricotta cheeses. For more flavor, add a teaspoon of orange zest to the mixture. Drizzle a tablespoon of honey into the cheeses. Fry two Honey Buns in canola oil until they’re crisp and put the mixture between them. Spoon some chocolate sauce on top to seal the deal.




If you’re a fan of loads of gooey cheese, this sandwich may be a match made in heaven. Place two slices of cheddar, a slice of muenster, a generous handful of mozzarella and a sprinkle of provolone between two slices of heavily buttered sourdough bread.

Microwave the sandwich for 30 seconds to warm the cheeses before putting the combination in a frying pan with a tablespoon of butter. Note: This sandwich may require napkins.  


Cheese and Burger


There’s nothing like some protein with that cheese. This basic recipe is actually made with two regular old Wonder Bread and American cheese sandwiches. After frying the two sandwiches up with lots of butter, place a hamburger patty and any toppings you want between them. For a little extra kick, spice up the meat with some Tobasco or your favorite hot sauce.  


The Sunrise


Who said breakfast had to be in the morning? This grilled masterpiece can be made using basic breakfast items — toast, eggs, bacon and, of course, cheese. First, get the bacon cooking. Fry or scramble one egg and butter one side of a piece of toast. Put it face down in a frying pan and place a slice of cheese of your choice on it. Once the cheese starts to melt, place the warm egg on top of the bread. Add bacon, and top it off with another piece of toast.



Provolone and jam

Mac and cheese