Why is it OK now?


As an alumni, I have been reading the submissions lately in the Statesman about homosexual marriages and how marriage in general is unsacred. Bottom line is, what you do is your business and everyone has a right to their own opinion which is what makes this country great, so here it goes. The only ones to not make marriage sacred is modern man in the 21st century.

Look at past history and past cultures. All of which have some kind of right of passage or ceremony taking place before and/or during the uniting of two individuals…and yes they are heterosexual. It is a union not to be taken lightly and is to be viewed as a long term existence, common sense tells you that. However, some Anthropologists will tell you marriage was invented as a way to legitimize sex…maybe, maybe not.

If gayness is so natural, why are humans the only species to indulge in this practice? I’ve heard that rats do, so does this mean we as human beings (who are supposed to be the most advanced and eduacted above all animals on the planet) have the same level of existence as rats? Other species in the animal kingdom with two distinct sexes that rely on procreation for species survival do not practice homosexuality…I’ve never seen two male deer or elk “getting it on”. I guess their animal instincts are saner than our “logical and educated” human minds are.

Nathan Smith