Zundel named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman:How does it feel to be the Utah State Athlete of the Week and the Big West Conference Cross Country Athlete of the Week?

Mitch Zundel: I just happened to be lucky to be the first one on the team. It could have been anyone. I feel honored to be the athlete of the week but it could have been any of the top five. Steve [Prescott] was two seconds behind me and the rest of the guys all followed within 20 seconds. It seriously could have been anyone.

US: How does it feel for the team to be nationally ranked?

MZ: That’s nice. As far as I know they’ve never been ranked before. It’s cool. I think the team deserves it. We’ll surprise them and do better than we are ranked if we are given a shot. We have more potential than No. 23 in the nation.

US: How is it to practice in the early morning and afternoons?

MZ: In the past we didn’t have early morning practices. The coaches and team hadn’t committed to early practices until this year. It’s been a big adjustment. We are all committed enough so it’s a given. To reach a new level we have to commit ourselves 100 percent.

US: What is the hardest aspect of cross-country?

MZ: The third mile. It’s right in the middle of the race and unless you have teammates around you it’s going to be a long one.

US: Why did you decide to come to Utah State?

MZ: The coaches. I also like the atmosphere of USU, the training altitude. There were a lot of reasons. Nice coaches. Scholarships. Nice school. It’s close to home but still far enough way.

US: What are your hobbies outside of running?

MZ: Right now I don’t have any. I like photography, being with family and just getting out and relaxing in the wilderness.

US: What is the adjustment from high school cross-country to college cross- country?

MZ: It’s a big adjustment. In high school we would only run a 5K and now it’s an 8K or sometimes 10K. Freshmen have it the hardest at first.

US: What has been your most memorable experience?

MZ: The home meet last year. About three and a half miles into it we had five to seven guys running all together. Our team was in the front of the race. That was fun. It felt easy and it was nice to be with the rest of the team.

US: What is your favorite academic subject?

MZ: I have business information classes I like. It’s my major.

US: What are you planning on doing after college.

MZ: I’m planning on getting a job. My wife is expecting a baby in December so the family will already be there. Just continue living.