Vague named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: What is the best thing about the Big West Conference Tournament? The worst thing?

Jeremy Vague: We get to hang out in the great environment of Anaheim and get away from the cold weather in Utah and hang out in the warm weather [in California]. I don’t think there is a worst part. We just come out [to Anaheim] to play basketball, just being with the team and seeing my family. I don’t think there is a worst part of it at all.

US: What are some of your most memorable moments at Utah State?

JV: Some of the big, in-state rivalry games we had. Those are definitely a lot of fun. And I will never forget the teams I’ve played with. I’ve just had a great time.

US: Talk about singing I Will Survive with Brennan Ray before home basketball games.

JV: We’ve got some real superstitious people on our team. I’m not too superstitious, but I go along with it. The song I will Survive has been one of Brennan’s favorites. I’ve kind of played the role with it and had fun with it when it came on.

US: You’ve really grown your hair out over the season, is that something you were going for?

JV: I want it to be long. I’ve had a shaved head now for five or six years, so I wanted to try something different.

US: Toward the end of the season you stepped up in the position of a third scorer, how important is that to the team?

JV: I needed to be more consistent. Coach harped on me all season to be more consistent. That’s just what I’m focusing on the most.

US: What are your tattoos and what do they mean?

JV: I’ve got one on my left arm when I turned 17. Right out of high school I told my mom if I were to sign a Division I basketball scholarship I was going to get one of a basketball. I have a [design] on my leg I got in 2000. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just something I had somebody draw for me. And the one [on my right arm] I got at the beginning of the year. It’s just a lion – king of the jungle. Lions are my favorite.

US: You had a few big blocks in the game against Pacific, how important is that to the game?

JV: Most definitely. Defense and rebounding is what we hang our hat on. Of course, if I get some blocks and help out then that’s going to be a big boost toward our team.

US: It snowed in Utah while the team was in California. What do you think of that kind of weather?

JV: That’s terrible. I’m glad I was in California. I [didn’t] want to go back yet.

US: Where do you think is one of the toughest places to play this season?

JV: I’d have to say Cal State Fullerton. They only have like 20 people show up and the environment is really boring.

US: What do you think your teammates have learned from your leadership this season?

JV: My leadership is definitely much different from Brennan’s or Tony’s. I’m probably the clown. I pick people up, keep people laughing and keep people having a good time. I think that’s really important. Next year I hope someone else will carry that over and keep the good times rolling.