Activities and Events

March 11-International Study Abroad information session 2 p.m. TSC, Room 223. -“Skills employers Look for when hiring” a panel discussion. 12:30 p.m. TSC Auditorium. Prizes, snacks and great info.

March 13-USU Career Fair, TSC, 9 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Egyptians’ Quest for Immortality, free public lecture by David Lancy, , Main, Room 115, 7:30 p.m. Learn about Dr. Lancy’s upcoming tour to Egypt.

March 14- First annual Women in Business Seminar, ECC. Registration 7:30 a.m., presentations begin 8:30 a.m. Registration 797-2279 or

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•Information: Have you ever thought about studying in Argentina, Australia, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, France, or Spain? What is stopping you? A representative from International Studies Abroad (ISA) March 11 to answer your questions, and help you get the facts! Info. TSC Hallway 10 to 2. Info. session 2:00 p.m. TSC 223. Info. Study Abroad Office TSC 313, 797-0601/1253 • IWA Sisterhood week. Institute Lounge. Various activities. March 11 through 14 •A Slimmer you at USU, a nutrition and weight management course focusing on lifestyle changes and eating habits. March 13, 20, 27 and April 3. 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Register 797-8080, $10 for registration before March 8. •First annual Women in Business Seminar, March 14, ECC. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. and presentation begin 8:30 a.m. Information and registration 797-2279 or • Any and all students interested in participating in Army ROTC for next fall, Scholarship Applications, Adventure Training and Leadership Training visit our booth at the Career Fair, March 13, USU TSC or contact 1LT Ryan King 797-3637. •Pool and Billiards Tournament, a benefit for the March of Dines. Tournament March 12, 13 and 15. All games $10. Tournament includes 8-ball, 9-ball, and scotch doubles. Contact Rick at the Bullpen or Michael Reyes 753-7020. •Bike maintenance classes beginning March 14. General bike maintenance for $15. Overhaul class for $50. Call ORC for details. 797-3264 • Comedy Night – March 15, 7 p.m. , Institute Gym. Dinner catered and Dance – $7 w/Institute ID $10 W/O •ARMY ROTC Cadets will attend and compete at Operation Wasatch Thunder to be held at Camp Williams, UT. March 22-24 against the University of Utah, BYU and Weber State University. All cadets and interested students are invited to attend and participate in many events to include: Tactical Paint Ball, Rappelling, Weapons Training, Obstacle Courses and Helicopter Rides. •Stephanie Osborne Scholarship application available Women’s Center TSC, Room 310. Undergraduate single senior women 24 yrs. of age or younger and will graduate Fall 2002 or Spring 2003, 2.5+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hrs. •Plan ahead for the Student Showcase April 18. The showcase is an opportunity for undergraduate research grant recipients, English essay winner and students whose departments require public presentations of senior project. Nominate students to participate by contacting Vic Provost Joyce Kinkead, or Stephanie Chambers, • Photography and Watercolor workshops, June 3 through 7, 2002. Learn to use a digital camera, a regular 35 mm camera or watercolor’s to create pieces that display your own personal creativity. To register contact Maggon Osmond at 797-9801 or stop by ECC, Room 103. •Dupont Endowed scholarship for women and minorities in Civil and Environmental Engineering applications available TSC, Room 310. Undergraduate women in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate American minority men in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate women in engineering. •Graduate Reentry women scholarship applications available Women’s Center. Criteria: 5 year gap between undergraduate degree and entering graduate school. Must be matriculated graduate student accepted in a department 3.0+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hrs. • Applications for the “Empowering Women Benefit Scholarship” are due March 1. Applications are available at the USU Women’s Center. Any Cache Valley woman with a five or more year gap in her education is eligible to apply. •Wilderness First Responder, May 7 through 16, 2001. Upon successful completion of practical and written exams you will receive a two year SOLO Wilderness First Responder certification and a two year American Heart Association Adult Heartsaver CPR certification. To register, contact Kellie at 797-7553 or stop by ECC, Room 103.