
Cole Lancaster: Diversity and Organizations Director candidate interview

What makes you stand out from other candidates? Why should people vote for you?

Yes. Hi, my name is Cole Lancaster and thank you for that awesome question. One thing that makes me stand out from other candidates is that I’m a transfer student from the College of Southern Idaho. And I’ve been working with the Inclusion Center closely for the last couple semesters. From my transfer experience and my extracurricular experience at my last university, as well as my work with Inclusion Center here, I’ve worked very closely with different student groups, and I’ve been a part of a little bit of everything. It has kind of has broadened my scope of what USU is and how it benefits the students in general. I think that experience from my last college and like my experience here kind of sets me apart from other candidates. Thank you for that question.

If you are not elected, how will you continue to be involved at USU?

Yes, so I thought about this a lot. It’s going to be my last year and I want to make sure it’s a good year. If I’m not elected for this position, I do want to continue work in like the DEI area, like diversity, equity and inclusion. I would want to continue to hopefully work with the Inclusion Center. They have a variety of different positions that I could apply to as a student, and I’d love to try and continue my work with Inclusion Center, whether that’s as an intern or currently what I’m doing now, so I can just continue to work with student groups on campus and be involved.

How do you plan to properly advocate for and represent minorities at USU?

Yes, so that is a very good question. Currently and previously, I’ve been trying to educate myself a lot about different marginalized communities here on campus. There are a lot, whether that is people who identify as having a disability, to having a different racial identity than white, or being non cisgender, or having a different sexual orientation than straight or just having a different religious identity. All of these different marginalized groups on campus. I would advocate for these different student groups by acting as the bridge in a way for different resources on campus or different involvement opportunities, whether that’s what the different student leaders in the marginalized student clubs under the inclusion center or the Office of Global Engagement, or even with the different student clubs and organizations in the USUSA, by acting as a resource.  I would be able to help advocate for the students because I’m here for the students. And that’s the main reason of this position, you know? It’s for the students and if that’s not a good reason, then what is?

The USUSA committee and council settings are often very friendly. How would you handle disagreements and making difficult decisions that may go against your fellow officers?

Yes, thank you for that question. One of my core values in my life is compromise. I believe that compromise is a huge aspect in coming to terms in a disagreement, as an RA you’re taught a wide variety of mediation skills. So like, whether it’s an argument with a roommate or an argument with someone that disagrees with you. I believe that in any disagreement you need to hear the other person out, and they should hear you out. Have clear set boundaries and conversation so that nothing gets out of hand and that everything is understood from both perspectives. And it’s important to try and reach in the middle of the disagreement. Whatever the outcome is, it’s important that both sides are heard and both sides feel like they have value in the decision that’s been made.

Who is your favorite Disney princess?

This is nerve wracking. Okay, so I have been obsessed with Mirabel from Encanto, she is amazing. She is a complete and utter baddie. I love her. I would be her because throughout Encanto she learns that although she doesn’t have a superpower, like her siblings or her family, she is able to bridge the gap between the grandma and the house and like the collapse of everything that’s happening in the movie. And through that she’s able to come to terms with herself and just be this confident and beautiful human being at end of movie. So that is my favorite Disney princess Mirabel from Encanto.

